the his-story of this vision
A Taxi Cab Driver's Guide to the Bible
My name is James. As a Yellow Cab driver since 1978, I can't tell you how many people have hopped in and asked me for suggestions on where to go. Suffice it to say it happens a lot. So what are the choices? As a Christian, I wish I could suggest a nice church somewhere but sadly, the churches are almost always closed at night. Even where they are open in the evening with some activity, rarely do I know which ones because there isn't any one place to get that information. Then from 1-5am the bars start to close and the patrons who can't get enough of that lifestyle start to pour out so I wait outside hoping for some sense of responsibility to kick in but it rarely does. People wobble to their cars, staggering right past my cab. "Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place they could go to sober up rather than get behind the wheel?!" I asked on an almost nightly basis. But my pain didn't stop there ...