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Pray for Tallahassee

“The evangelization of the world depends first upon a revival of prayer. Deeper than the need for workers; deeper far than the need for money; deep down at the bottom of our spiritual lives, is the need for the forgotten secret of prevailing, worldwide prayer.”
~ Robert Speer

How to Finance an All Hours Church

The financing of missions is a 2000 year old business. We often pay lip service to the notion that the Lord has empowered us for ministry as if having adequate finances to subsist or grow was the definition of the Spirit's power but the Lord considered such edifices nothing more than "white-washed tombs." Unfortunately, we have fallen into a very worldly way of considering how and when the Spirit of God is asking us to do something. We consider something a good plan if money is sufficient to pay for it. Many churches are begun with market studies to this end. The uncut stones that constituted the altar of God signified that the work of God was not a work of human hands. Forty days after He was born, when the Lord's mother's purification offering was made, his parents brought pigeons, indicating their poverty. Born humbly in a cave, this sign of poverty indicated the economic plan of Jesus. Though He was the Prince and King of the entire Universe, He enters Jerusalem on a donkey's foal.

It is surely true that by many ministries sharing common facilities the numbers work to favor the All Hours Church concept. Buildng churches in store front plazas adds to this concept a visible yet humble presence within the city - not some tall edifice with a spire in a building surrounded by foliage without a welcoming light. We do not yet know how the All Hours Church will be financed but we know that if the Lord wills it to be so He shall also supply all of our needs. All we ask is that each person pray about what participation they may wish to have. And again, we are listening. If the Lord speaks to you concerning financing the All Hours Church, please let us know what He has said to you. Please know that our hope is to contribute to the churches rather than draw funds from them. Charging rent for the facility itself for those ministries being birthed there may be all that is required to accomplish that end.


Who is running this?

  • Elijah Williams

    our Director of Education and ministry preparation.

  • Janet Adams

    Coordinator of women's outreach and counseling.

  • John Carter

    serving as web master and master of calendars and advertising.

    Shatonya Darden

    Fellowship, hospitality, facility booking coordinator - one amazing woman!

    James Carvin

    will head up the volunteer team that will meet with pastors and follow up seminars.

    Jesus Our Lord

    is our head and sovereign king. All are welcome to join us in serving Him.

Your 24 Hour Extension